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Please help us to continue to work faithfully in God's name.  Bay Community Alliance Church relies on your offerings to operate and spread the Word of God, as well as support our community and beyond.  In addition to Alliance Missions & Ministries, some of the other ministries we regularly partner with include Adult & Teen Challenge, Faith Comes By Hearing, RBC Ministries, Samaritan's Purse,  Songtime Ministries, in addition to Jeff & Heather Williams' missionary work in Cambodia and the Clason Family missionary work overseas.

In order to help Bay Community be better stewards of the funds you donate, we would request you to first, if possible, mail your donation to BCAC, PO Box 296, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532-0296; this Tithe Form makes it easy to list your offerings.  If you wish to give online, we encourage you to use a bank account by clicking on the “Bank Account” link listed at the bottom of the donation form. This will reduce the fees we pay for the secure services we use. We also ask that you might consider covering the fee by checking the “Cover Fees” box.  Regardless, we thank you for your support as we Advance the Kingdom of God.

'Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. '  2 Corinthians 9:7

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Other Requests

Abundant Hope Pregnancy Center

Abundant Hope Pregnancy Center is looking for donations of diapers & baby clothes, in sizes bigger than newborn, and baby wipes .

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